Friday 21 February 2014

‘The Daily Show’ segment on Jordan Davis rings devastatingly true

 “The Daily Show” is just brilliant at showing the absurdity of America’s racial dynamics. Her takedown of Fox News’s Megyn Kelly and her “Santa is white” assertion put her on my radar screen last December.

 Last night, Williams took on the latest legal travesty out of Florida. Michael Dunn was found guilty of three counts attempted second-degree murder for shooting into an SUV with four black teenagers in 2012 because their music was too loud.

 But the jury deadlocked on first-degree murder for killing Jordan Davis. Dunn claimed he saw a gun and feared for his life. A gun was never found.

 Thus, Florida’s overly permissive and insane Stand Your Ground law made it impossible for the jury to reach a unanimous guilty verdict on first-degree murder of Davis.

 As a cartoon by Jim Morin of the Miami Herald starkly showed, black life has been devalued once again 
 -Washington post

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