Friday 21 February 2014

11 Things You've Always Wanted to Know About Lesbian Sex But Were Afraid to Ask

People often feel comfortable asking me questions about lesbian sex. It happens everywhere from cocktail parties to riding around in New York City taxis. As a sex positive person and porn mogul, I think it's really important to have discussions about lesbian sex. Some lesbians are really annoyed to have to field these types of questions, but I feel that having an open mind and an open ear helps to make people outside of the gay community understand us better.

So, get ready to be schooled! I promise it's the most fun learning you'll have all day.

        Question 1 : What exactly do you two do?

Answer: The ways we have sex are as varied as straight couples. I'd argue that the sex we have is actually better, because there's not the looming issue of a hard-on and how the hard-on will be serviced. Women are also capable of multiple orgasms, so there is little to no recovery time. We have oral sex, anal sex, penetrative sex and everything in between.

Question 2 : Is it easier since you're both women and know instinctively what the other likes?

Answer: God, I wish. No, no and no. Just like hetero people, it takes us gay ladies a while to figure out what we like. I had absolutely no idea what the hell I was doing for a good year or so after I started sleeping with women. It wasn't until I met my first girlfriend that I really started to understand how profoundly mind-blowing sex with a woman can be.

Question 3 : If I want to kiss a girl, does that make me a lesbian?

Answer: Not necessarily. Our culture places way too much importance on labels. Maybe you are gay, maybe you aren't. I hope we get to the point in history where it no longer matters. 

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